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 Alteeve Wiki :: Man Pages :: Striker-initialize-host


striker-initialize-host - Tool used on Striker dashboards to initialize new Nodes and DR hosts.


striker-initialize-host <command> [options]


striker-initialize-host - This tool logs into a target Anvil! sub-node or DR host, adds the Alteeve! repository, installs anvil-node or anvil-dr, and then configures anvil.conf so that the target can start communicating with any peered Striker dashboards.


-?, -h, --help
Show this man page.
-d, --job-uuid
This is the jobs -> job_uuid of the job to run, if it exists.
When logging, record sensitive data, like passwords.
-v, -vv, -vvv
Set the log level for this run to 1, 2 or 3 (higher == more verbose).


-k, --enterprise-uuid <uuid>
If you have a key, provide it this way. This will configure the host to use the Alteeve enterprise repository. (see 'man alteeve-repo-setup' for repo options).
-k, --host-ip-address <ip_address>
This is the IP address of the target node or DR host.
-k, --password <string>
This is the current root user's password on the target node or DR host.
-k, --rh-password <string>
If the target is a Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS, and if the target is not yet connected to a subscription, you can provide the rh-user and this password to have the target subscribed during initialization.
-k, --rh-user <string>
If the target is a Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS, and if the target is not yet connected to a subscription, you can provide this user name and rh-password to have the target subscribed during initialization.
-k, --ssh-port <number, default 22>
If you need to connect over a non-standard port, you can set it with this switch.
-k, --target <ip_address>
Alternative to --host-ip-address.
-k, --type <'node' or 'dr'>
This indicates how you want the target to be initialized as.


Written by Madison Kelly, Alteeve staff and the Anvil! project contributors.


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