Scan agent

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 Alteeve Wiki :: How To :: Scan agent

In Scancore, "scan agents" are the individual programs that know how to interact with the thing being monitored and managed by that specific agent. They act as a go-between, knowing how to collect and process data, and how to store it in a way that the main Scancore process can use.

Taking one example, scan-apc-ups is the scan agent for APC-branded UPSes. This example agent know how to collect data from the UPSes over SNMP, parse it, and store the power and temperature data is the appropriate database tables.

This information allows the main Scancore "Decision Engine", along with data from other UPSes or thermal sensors, to decide when load shedding is needed, when emergency shut down is required, and when it is safe to restart things after power is restored.


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