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 Alteeve Wiki :: Man Pages :: Anvil-manage-files


anvil-manage-files - This program manages the files synced across machines in the Anvil! cluster

This tool is not yet complete.


anvil-manage-files <command> [options]


This handles synchronizing files, typically ISO used to build new servers and scripts used to manage them, across Anvil! nodes.


-?, -h, --help
Show this man page.
When logging, record sensitive data, like passwords.
-v, -vv, -vvv
Set the log level to 1, 2 or 3 respectively. Be aware that level 3 generates a significant amount of log data.


(not implemented yet)
This runs a check for files that need to be processed (added, deleted, etc).
This will delete the --file </path/to/file> from the entire Anvil! cluster.
(not implemented yet)
--file <file>
This is the file being worked on.
When set, the file is marked as a script or program. Files marked this way can be used in different places in the Anvil! cluster.
The changes the name of a file. Use --file <old name> and --to <new name>.
--to <new name>
This is the new file name that's being changed.


Written by Madison Kelly, Alteeve staff and the Anvil! project contributors.


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Any questions, feedback, advice, complaints or meanderings are welcome.
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