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 Alteeve Wiki :: How To :: ANSI

ANSI, an acronym for American National Standards Institute, works in the development and uniform identification of standards[1]. In IT, ANSI is usually used to refer to the ANSI Codes. This is a list of numerical values that can control the colour, state, weight and so on of console fonts.

In the PXE boot environment, ANSI codes are:

Code Description
0 reset all attributes to their defaults
1 set bold
4 set underscore (simulated with color on a color display)
5 set blink
7 set reverse video
22 set normal intensity
24 underline off
25 blink off
27 reverse video off
30 set black foreground
31 set red foreground
32 set green foreground
33 set brown foreground
34 set blue foreground
35 set magenta foreground
36 set cyan foreground
37 set white foreground
38 set underscore on, set default foreground color
39 set underscore off, set default foreground color
40 set black background
41 set red background
42 set green background
43 set brown background
44 set blue background
45 set magenta background
46 set cyan background
47 set white background
49 set default background color


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