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 Alteeve Wiki :: Man Pages :: Striker-manage-peers


striker-manage-peers - This manages peering two Striker dashboards


striker-manage-peers <command> [options]


This handles peering Striker dashboards. Peered Strikers means that they act as replaceable alternative dashboards, should another fail.


-?, -h, --help
Show this man page.
When logging, record sensitive data, like passwords.
-v, -vv, -vvv
Set the log level to 1, 2 or 3 respectively. Be aware that level 3 generates a significant amount of log data.


This tells the program to add the peer to the anvil.conf file.
This lists the configured striker peers (including the striker this is run on).
This tells the program to remove the peer to the anvil.conf file.
This is the host (name or IP) used when connecting the a new striker (used with '--add').
--host-uuid <uuid>
This is the striker's host UUID. This is used with '--add' or '--remove'.
--job-uuid <uuid>
This is the job UUID used to run this job.
--port (default 5432)
This is the TCP port used to connected to the postgresql database on the peer. Generally this is 5432 and shouldn't be changed without careful consideration and testing.
--password-file /path/to/file.txt
This is the file that contains the password used to connect to the striker database password. The file should contain only the password in the first line, and nothing else. The caller should remove the file once the task is complete.
--ping (default '1')
If set to '1', the dashboard will be pinged before an attempt to connect to the database is made. This is helpful because a pgsql connection can take a long time to timeout, making everything that uses the database slow down when a dashboard's database is unreachable.


Written by Madison Kelly, Alteeve staff and the Anvil! project contributors.


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