Unfence pacemaker

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 Alteeve Wiki :: Man Pages :: Unfence pacemaker


unfence_pacemaker - Tool used to unfence DRBD resources in the Anvil! IA platform


unfence_pacemaker <command>


unfence_pacemaker - This tool acts between DRBD and pacemaker, unfencing a resource when the peer finishes syncing. Specifically, it removed the location constraint against the just-returned node.

This tool does not use the Anvil::Tools library, nor does it connect to the Anvil database.


All values passed to this agent are done via environment variables. For more information, please see the LINBIT DRBD fence/unfence agent documentation.

See the comments here: https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-utils/blob/master/scripts/drbd.ocf


Written by Madison Kelly, Alteeve staff and the Anvil! project contributors.


Report bugs to users@clusterlabs.org


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